Monday, October 17, 2005

Mock Tudor Monarch Stuck for Something to Say!

A blog? Everyday? Now there is a law I must put a stop to. What the hell can I write about today? The main highlights were:
  1. Driving to Yeovil with my wife to look for her ******* bagels again - we found them you'll be thrilled to hear.
  2. Mowing the back lawn that was beginning to resemble the Matto Grosso.
  3. Listening to Manchester City stuff West Ham United on Radio 5. (Actually, that bit was quite good).

I am off to Kent tomorrow, to stay with my sister Cathy and her husband Julian as I have Bridge and Patrixbourne School to do near Canterbury on Tuesday morning. I shall try and post again on Tuesday evening. Oh, and James did something naughty this evening and immediately referred to himself as "a little git". I guess I have to start watching my language.

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