I had to drive into Yeovil this morning to appear on BBC Radio Wales. How can this be possible, I hear you cry, well it goes something like this. After being phoned the other day by a nice chap called Gareth, and asked to appear on the Roy Noble morning show on BBC Radio Wales, I had visions of me having to drive all the way over to Cardiff, but these wonderful BBC bods booked me into BBC Somerset Sound's Yeovil studio for a "live" link-up. I got to the studio smack on 9.30am, the time I was expected.
If I had thought the BBC Somerset studio in Park Street Taunton was small, this was nothing compared to Yeovil. The studio bore more of a relation to a school classroom from about 1982 than a 21st century local radio station. However, the very nice engineer plugged me in, I chatted over the ether to the production team in Cardiff and then I was on. The chat went very well, mainly about how the hell I came to be Henry VIIIth - the usual stuff, and Roy Noble was a nice very affable chatter and easy to get on with - even if I spent the entire interview calling him Rob. How embarrassing was that! You can listen to it on line now at the BBC Radio Wales website and using their "listen again" feature.
My little boy starts school next week - ARGH! And I am starting back at school with the Henry days, kicking off, as ever at Manor Court in Chard.